Sunday, February 24, 2008

Checking Out The View

So today I went over to a friends house who happens to have a great view of Lake Washington and the mountains around the area. When I buy a house, I'll make sure that the view as good as this...

That's Jeff checking out the scenery
Larry & Jeff are trying to get a better view of Bill Gates' home
Jeff getting a better look at Mercer Island
Lake Washington
Here's the honest truth: Seattle is a beautiful, but the locals here try to make it sound like its a real terrible place so that it doesn't get overpopulated. So far it works. 
Im not sure which mountain range this is...
Overall, very good weather all week!

Here's video of the view from Larry's deck. Enjoy your day folks. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008

... says the cupcakes. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Started off with an idea...
... and traced it on some freezer paper...
... like so... 
... then used an X-Acto knife to create a stencil...  
... which I ironed onto a shirt and added fabric paint to it... 
... and it eventually dried, allowing me to peel off the stencil... 

... giving me my finished product. 


Monday, February 18, 2008


So I've been hearing about this place and their fabled burrito thats the size of a baby. I felt like today was a good day to see if the rumors are true...

lol @ "healthy"

Well, it's definitely the size of a newborn baby...

10 pound burrito, or diarrhea bomb?

No problemo!

It was actually pretty good. Well done Gorditos! Now tell me where's the bathroom...

Teaching an old dog new tricks

So the good thing about my wife being pregnant is that it forces me to cook for myself. One of my resolutions this year was to learn how to cook some real food. So since my wife was out of commission last night, I opened up a cook book and decided to get down with the get-down for dinner, instead of making the usual ramen noodles.

So I decided to go Indian tonight...
Messy kicthen
Butter chicken
Me likey!
Since I didn't have plain yogurt for the Naan bread, I made Chapati instead. I made a lot when I was in West Africa. The funny thing is that Chapati is from East Africa, not West. I actually learned it from a friend in Ghana who was from Kenya, which is in East Africa. Make sense?
Finished product. I was gonna make it look all aesthetically beautiful n all for the picture, but I was just too tired. It was good though... 

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fun With Lanyard...

Yeah son! So I was at the craft store the other day to pick up some fabric paint for a Swahili Project that i gotta put together and I came across some plastic lanyard. I started reminiscing about grade school when I use to mess around with this stuff, spending like 20 minutes trying to learn how to do a square or circle stitch... Good times! So since I had an extra 2 bucks I ended up buying some to mess around with. fun!

Ahh! good oh lanyard...
Game face...
Starting off simple...
Nothing like lanyard and Big Black on the tube. Do Work Son!
hairy knuckles
And there you go...
... finished products!

5 minutes after completion I came to the realization that I had no idea what to do with these colored stick thingys. So I tested 'em out...

Make your kicks bling...
... and your phone too!

Off the hook!

Lanyards is making a comeback son! lol...